Tuesday 21 August 2012

Video Update Aug/21/2012

I haven't bothered updating this page for a while now and so I feel that its necessary to do so.

If you didnt see on my channel , I entered a vocal contest for a youtube user under the prize that I would receive 3 shirts and 3 Cds upon winning. Sounded tempting . So I tried and ultimately didnt win. I am not sore about not winning but I feel that I should focused more on the quality of the sound of that video  than anything else. Regardless I had fun making the entry and I might also post some more Vocal covers on my channel as filler videos some time on the line once my school schedule kicks into gear in September.

About those 3 video projects I mentioned in a previous update.

The video projects I have planned might have a change of plan.  Now before I said that  I have 3 videos in the works and one is already scripted and undergoing finalization. Well I can say that the script is finally done and I should get around to filming that soon.

The second video review that I have planned might take some time to come up some good material due to its bizarre  nature. However I do have a short fallback video planned if this one seems to fail. It wont be anything special just bringing a really sick movie out there and something I feel I can manage. The fallback review will have an estimated runtime of something of 5 to 6 minutes or less depending on how much I write on it. Its a fairly short movie.

The third secret review will also have minor changes. By that I mean it will come out sometime in the later  rather than the time I previously thought of releasing it. Its still in its scripting stages but after talking to a few friends about it I feel its best to change the subject entirely for this certain video.  While the subject will be different , the concept will still be the same and hopefully can be done right with the same ideas I have in mind. The change in material might result in this review to be held back later than I initially thought and the writing process will take longer but it should be worth it in the long run. A video on the original subject will be done in the future but not at this time. It just so happens that the new show I chose to do is 52 episodes long opposed to the 26 episode show I initially wrote. I have got a lot of show to watch and I should get on it if I ever plan to meet the deadline of this sudden change of events.

As for some bonus stuff , I will be getting my hands on a DVD recorder later this week and trying my hand on recording game footage. I will see if I can do this Lets Play of The Last Story once I receive my copy at the end of the month but this is completely experimental. I am horrible with improvised dialogue and usually come up with ideas better once I spent some time with it.  I will not completely give up on this notion but it should be a nice challenge. Wither or not I will be doing the Lets Play in Character or not still up at the air at this point. I will do whatever seems most natural and what I can do consistently.  Once I get the recorder expect a trial lets play of either Resident Evil 4, No More Heroes 1 , No More Heroes 2 or Mad World. I'll come to my game choice soon.

It should be a busy two weeks for me. I got so much work and so little time to do it in.  I better get back to work.

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