Saturday 4 August 2012

Another Account Revival/ Review Update/ Other Stuff

Since i am reviving about 2 dead accounts on this vast internet.

This blog and my youtube channel that I previously neglected. I have decided that I will post Vlogs on this other dead channel I plan to revive.

This channel shall serve as a Vlog video dump for all the blogs i'll be doing in person. I'll try to update a frequently as possible if not I'll post regular blog posts here as stuff occurs.

I am in the process of producing another review and I should get filming that after some script revisions have been made. From the looks of things it might be another two parter video just from the sheer length of the script alone. I am not trying to make these video lengthy for the sake of being lengthy I just have a lot to say about it.

I hope it all goes well.

Also I have been considering doing a blind Lets Play on the upcoming  RPG : "The Last Story" for the Wii but I have yet find a decent enough recording set up to provide quality footage. If I do go through with it, it will be coinciding with my review series and whenever I get the chance to play it.

Keep in mind that I am currently on college break and this free time won't last for much longer so I'll try to put as much effort into setting up these accounts as humanly possible.

I will start updating the new account shortly with updates of what i have been up too.

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