Wednesday 25 July 2012

I have a blog? / Episode 1

Damn.  Forgot I had this thing. Amongst the amount of work trying to keep a non actor like myself mugging in front of a camera and producing new content, I have gotten into college. Hurray.

I am on my time off and right now feel that its time to resurrect this blog now that I have finished 2 episodes in the past month. One taking over 5 months to finish amongst school work and free time and the other taking about a day to fully film, edit and post.

Yeah I my work habits are quite sporadic and when school starts up again in September, my channel will revert back to the video drought it once was.

Anyway in the free time, I have been busy writing for the shitty little series I conjured up and it so far has been doing alright considering how infrequently I update and maintain  this monstrosity that is my hobby.

I  will try my damnest to update this blog with status updates regarding videos and other shit i think of doing as they come or whenever I feel like it.

For starters, I will be posting my shitty little reviews up on this blog because why the hell not.

Starting with a series I intend to finish reviewing episode by episode. Bible Black.

Yes i am aware that its a hentai but what I to do. My gimmick isn't exactly very kid friendly in the first place.

If anyone is interested on following me on a social network try twitter @GorehoundABB but dont expect anything twitter spamming  just yet. I just use it for status updates, following other internet personalities and bands as well as for school.

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