Wednesday 25 July 2012

Episode 2 - HSOTD

If you read the previous post. You would have remembered me saying that I have sporadic work habits.  Truth is yeah I do  and this proof of it.

This is the review that took me 5 months and to be honest I am shocked at how long it took me to finish this. Probably because of the lack of motivation to sift through footage for the show every time I went back to edit it.

One hentai episode is one thing but this is at least over 5 hours worth of show that I have come to hate over time but still appreciate it for what it tried to do.

I despise it for what it stands for and for what lingering impressions that High School of the Dead might leave for Japan. As of late zombies are becoming more and more of a joke in Japan most prevalent in anime. Some cases I could let it slide when the zombies in question are actually undead characters who talk and kick ass (Ie Corpse Princess)  but in this case. No. I can't. 

These monsters have been done right before and better in other films and shows. So I am rather disappointed that the show has done nothing new that I have already seen from the genre. And coming from Japan that's really saying something. Plus when I started working on the episode, I caught myself up on the manga and it hasn't been updated. The writers seriously need to get  their shit together. I wrote  the first draft of this review in high school and it slowly molded into what you see before you factual errors and all.

I love it for its brutal violence in the manga and while lacking in plot it makes up for senseless violence and that something I can thoroughly enjoy. I can also  take some liking to the fact that the animation team at Madhouse  tried to take zombies accessible into the mainstream anime audience. I'll give them props for that but the show as a whole just doesnt work for me. I am in it for the guts, carnage and gore. Not for fanservice.

Part 1

Part 2

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