Wednesday 25 July 2012

Episode 3 - Top 10 Fucked Up Higurashi Moments

Sporadic work habits were working full force this time round.

Right after I finished uploading the HSOTD review which took me over 5 months to finish.  I got it set in my mind that I would see if I could piece together a full video within 24 Hours after the last video took me over 5 months.

So yeah. I cranked this bitch out and needless to say I will never do this EVER again. My sleep schedule has been seriously effected for the worse after this little endeavor.

It also gives no excuse for future reviews to take as long as the  HSOTD review unless its for a good reason. The HSOTD review was 23 minutes long and this Top Ten list is at least 22 Minutes.

Yeah , NO excuses for me from here on out.

Part 1

Part 2

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