Saturday 15 September 2012

An Update to the Update Sept/15/2012

Well, shit. the worst possible thing just happened. My Wii broke. FUCK. Right when I was starting to record my Last Story Playthrough. Now I played the first 2 hours of the game and havent gone farther than that as to save my reaction when I actually play it.

I will still go through with it but it will take some time to get it fixed and operational again.

On another note a friend of mine wanted me to do a challenge run for the game Dead Space. The run details me to beat the game with out the firing a single round from the Plasma Cutter, No RIG  upgrades ( ie. health upgrades health packs are acceptable) and to use the Pulse Rifle only.

Reason I am taking him up on this request is for a few reasons.

1) Broken Wii

2) I haven't played Dead Space in well over 4 years.

 3) because I honestly like putting ridiculous stipulations on runs to increase my time with a game.  I have done this with Resident Evil 4 and I can very well do the same with Dead Space.

4) I played and beaten Dead Space in its entirety once before in all its modes on the PC version several times before and a couple years back when I was still fresh from beating Dead Space, I was offered a chance to play it on the Xbox 360. I don't own the console let alone played it but that didn't seem to matter as I started a new game,  dived right into Hard mode and got up to and beaten the first Brute Fight without dying once. It could have been the controls or my knowledge of the game but it was fun to have my friends look at sheer awe waiting for me to die and that moment never coming. I figure that if I can do that. Then I can manage the game on a more challenging level.

I will record a session of this and will commentate on it and see how this goes until my Wii is getting fixed.

Now the major review iI want to have out before the months end is still coming but it might have some delays in its release. I am still working out an effect shot and I am requesting help from another party to complete it. Its  going to be something that will be recurring throughout my reviews within this segment I am working on. As per the new segment a new title sequence is in order so I need to prep that as well so I have alot to work on this month.

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