Friday 26 April 2013

A Blog Ignored. Update 4/26/2013

Wow.   This makes it the second time I tried to use this site effectively. Can't say I blame myself for doing this since I have pretty much been using my channel to post updates. If there is an update I feel is necessary to post I usually just Vlog it or  sum it up on my Channel feed.

Not to say I am abandoning this site completely. It has its uses from time to time but I don't want to post about random crap going on in my day. Thats what Twitters for.

I will continue to post videos here periodically after there done but my main focus will be on my channel and all major updates will be done in Vlog form and channel feed posts. I don't know if anyone reading this actually watches my stuff  follows me on twitter  so I dont bother post updates there unless I shift the following on to the site.

Speaking of videos I need to post here:

Bible Black Episode 2

Niku Daruma

And My most recent video

Umineko No Naku Koro Ni.

This is what happens when I leave the blog alone for months at a time.
I will decide what to do with this site in due time. Until then it shall continue to exist.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Video Update : Been Busy December 14th 2012

I have finally got of school for the holidays. Expect more videos. I plan to get busy.

Friday 2 November 2012

Video Update: I get stuff done Oct 28 - Nov 2 / 2012

I got a Halloween Episode completed however I posted it on November 1st. Bleh.

 Anyway here it is.

Also Here is the Higurashi video uncut  in case if you dont liketo watch 2 parter videos

Sunday 21 October 2012

Update : Slaughter Scenerio Episode 1

After all the set back this review sees the light of day. I got to get some work done to get a new episode up before Halloween. I will make no promises but I will most certainly try.

Part 1

Part 2

Sunday 30 September 2012

MASSIVE Update: Productivity

Don't you hate it when you have some great ideas and you dont have the time to do them and when you DO have free time you can't think of anything good. Yeah thats me. I have some great ideas for some upcoming episodes and I dont know when I can do them.

As for the Lets Plays. Due to school projects being a complete shitstorm at the moment. Ie A video project, a javascript coded webpage with 5 pages, a web video created on Adobe Edge and reading books for my English course. I am fuck ton busy and I havent had the slightest time to work on any but those projects.

I am hoping I am going to get most of these done by  Canadian thanksgiving and work on the review which is still coming I am trying to finish at least a page a day max.

As for the Last Story Lets Play, I was thinking of  starting fresh  on a new play through but with my current work flow I decided against it. Its something  I will address in a short video before I upload the first 9 parts of the play-through. However I want the review done first and thats my main priority. By uploading these nine parts now would only stop my work flow and open a whole other project that I can't possibly manage. I'll save these videos for the off chance something goes wrong with the review and dont have anything to upload for some time. I will also upload these some time after the review is complete.

After the review I will also re-record the Dead Space PC challenge run. The whole first chapter is about 32 GB total and frankly I need the space for the new review and that Video Project I mentioned earlier. Once thats done It will go up as soon as possible.

With this being said I can't possibly make the new review with deadlines anymore. I thought the first few weeks were gonna be light. I was wrong. The video will be ready when its ready and judging by the length it could easily be a 2 parter or god forbid 3 parts.

I also got it in my mind to make a new Opening for the review. And that will take some time.  so Even when the video is done once the OP is finished i'll post it. It will feature a new metal track with alot of groove in it.

Another Idea I got is to revisit older reviews that I wasnt really satisfied with and review them. Very Meta. I can write this one on my off time in school and when I am taking breaks and film it on weekends. It will be a challenge to tell whose  talking and I am still working things out.

As for other ideas such as the Halloween Special. I cannot get this done in the time frame I wanted it to so to make up for this I'll attempt get the re-review up by that time.

This blog post is getting pretty big but I need people to understand that my time is spent on school and other activities other than the show as much fun as it is producing content.

Stay Tuned Stuff coming I promise.


Because of school projects the following will be taking place:

- Lets Plays are On Hold (again due to school)

- Videos are still coming but they are becoming harder to produce with school in the way.

 - The Halloween Special is on hold. This years special will be a precursor to next year's special.
 With school and the other review I am working on it will be a challenge to see if I can make it on  time.

- I gotta work on a new Opening for the new review.

- As long I am in school there will be no deadlines for reviews ( exceptions when I am on holiday)

Thursday 20 September 2012

Wii is fixed Video Update

Wii is fixed and I am down 70$. Bleh. The Playthrough will still be in production when I have some free time. I have several school projects working on at the moment so thats on hold until further notice.

The new review is almost done. Judging from the script I have edited up to 4 out of the 9 pages thus far. It should be done at the end of month if all goes well.

As soon as the review is finished I will begin editing the Dead Space Challenge video. My laptop cant handle all the projects I have going at the moment. The new review is an estimated 86GB and the footage for the Dead Space challenge is 36GB alone. o_o.

One thing at a time.

Saturday 15 September 2012

An Update to the Update Sept/15/2012

Well, shit. the worst possible thing just happened. My Wii broke. FUCK. Right when I was starting to record my Last Story Playthrough. Now I played the first 2 hours of the game and havent gone farther than that as to save my reaction when I actually play it.

I will still go through with it but it will take some time to get it fixed and operational again.

On another note a friend of mine wanted me to do a challenge run for the game Dead Space. The run details me to beat the game with out the firing a single round from the Plasma Cutter, No RIG  upgrades ( ie. health upgrades health packs are acceptable) and to use the Pulse Rifle only.

Reason I am taking him up on this request is for a few reasons.

1) Broken Wii

2) I haven't played Dead Space in well over 4 years.

 3) because I honestly like putting ridiculous stipulations on runs to increase my time with a game.  I have done this with Resident Evil 4 and I can very well do the same with Dead Space.

4) I played and beaten Dead Space in its entirety once before in all its modes on the PC version several times before and a couple years back when I was still fresh from beating Dead Space, I was offered a chance to play it on the Xbox 360. I don't own the console let alone played it but that didn't seem to matter as I started a new game,  dived right into Hard mode and got up to and beaten the first Brute Fight without dying once. It could have been the controls or my knowledge of the game but it was fun to have my friends look at sheer awe waiting for me to die and that moment never coming. I figure that if I can do that. Then I can manage the game on a more challenging level.

I will record a session of this and will commentate on it and see how this goes until my Wii is getting fixed.

Now the major review iI want to have out before the months end is still coming but it might have some delays in its release. I am still working out an effect shot and I am requesting help from another party to complete it. Its  going to be something that will be recurring throughout my reviews within this segment I am working on. As per the new segment a new title sequence is in order so I need to prep that as well so I have alot to work on this month.