Friday 26 April 2013

A Blog Ignored. Update 4/26/2013

Wow.   This makes it the second time I tried to use this site effectively. Can't say I blame myself for doing this since I have pretty much been using my channel to post updates. If there is an update I feel is necessary to post I usually just Vlog it or  sum it up on my Channel feed.

Not to say I am abandoning this site completely. It has its uses from time to time but I don't want to post about random crap going on in my day. Thats what Twitters for.

I will continue to post videos here periodically after there done but my main focus will be on my channel and all major updates will be done in Vlog form and channel feed posts. I don't know if anyone reading this actually watches my stuff  follows me on twitter  so I dont bother post updates there unless I shift the following on to the site.

Speaking of videos I need to post here:

Bible Black Episode 2

Niku Daruma

And My most recent video

Umineko No Naku Koro Ni.

This is what happens when I leave the blog alone for months at a time.
I will decide what to do with this site in due time. Until then it shall continue to exist.